Share some MTA 98-365 exam questions and answers below.
You need to assign permissions to access resources.
Which type of group should you use?
B.Security group
C.Organizational group
D.Distribution group
Answer: B
A domain controller that is designated to perform a set of specialized domain controller tasks is commonly referred to as a/an:
A.Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server
B.Operations Master
C.Organizational Unit
D.Primary domain controller
Answer: B
Which technology is designed to host calendars, contacts, and e-mail on the server?
A.Microsoft Host Integration Server
B.Microsoft Expression Studio
C.Microsoft SQL Server
D.Microsoft Exchange Server
Answer: D
Which task is executed during the Power-On Self Test (POST)?
A.The amount of system RAM is detected.
B.The Master Boot Record is created.
C.The operating system is initialized.
D.Disk file systems are detected.
Answer: A
To enable enhanced keyboard and mouse functions for a Hyper-V virtual machine, you need to install:
A.Hyper-V Integration Components.
B.Keyboard and mouse drivers.
C.Microsoft Updates.
D.Hyper-V Server.
Answer: A
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